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Webinar: Climate change and forest fires in Australia, Thu 26.1.2023 at 7pm

On Thu 26.1.23 at 7-8.15 pm. Geologist, Ph.D. Peter Sorjonen-Ward from Kuopio talks about the impact of climate change and forest fires in Australia. The webinar is free. Register here A Zoom link will be sent to participants on Thursday afternoon. Australian nature has evolved to cope with many climatic changes and extremes, including adaptation to bushfires. In recent years however, the impact of these events is becoming more severe and responses to this have been both varied and controversial. In this webinar we will review some of these critical issues. The webinar will be held in English. Organizer /Järjestäjä: League of the Finnish-Australian Societies Suomi-Australia yhdistysten Liitto

Torstaina 26.1.2023 klo 19-20.15 Webinaari: Ilmastonmuutos ja metsäpalot Australiassa.

Geologi, Ph.D. Peter Sorjonen-Ward Kuopiosta kertoo ilmastonmuutoksen ja metsäpalojen vaikutuksesta Australiassa.

Webinaari pidetään englanniksi.

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